How and when to plant figsModerate, moisture retaining; But drained land is needed for figs. Gutti cuttings should be planted in the month of June for pruning of mature branches. The cuttings are ready for harvest after one and a half to two months.Such cuttings should be separated from the plant and put in a plastic bag. Before planting, the soil should be well plowed vertically and horizontally, then the weeds should be removed after two or three rotations and the remnants of the previous crop should be burnt. 4.5 x 3 m in light soils. Planting should be done at this distance.60 to 60 cm in May for planting. It is necessary to dig shaped pits. This means that the pits heat up well in the sun. To fill the pits, fill the bottom of the pits with mulch, good soil and manure or compost manure in the ratio of 1: 1, add five grams of ferrate and one to one and half kg of single super phosphate and fill the pit. After two-three rains in June-July, plant the seedlings in bags in the pit.Castes1) Poona fig - The fruit color of this variety is dark crimson, red. The average weight of the fruit is 30 to 60 grams. The fruit contains 18 to 20 brix of sugar. An average of 25 to 30 kg of fruit is produced from a five year old tree.2) Dinkar - This variety is selected from Poona fig variety and its fruits are crimson and red in color. The average weight of the fruit is 40 to 70 grams.